Sirhi of the Norya
"I get confused. I remember everything. I remember too much, and...some of it's made up, and...some of it can't be quantified, and...there's secrets..."
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•§• General Information •§•
Server: Mateus
Age: 101
Apparent Age: Early 20s
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Demisexual
Relationship Status: Single
Occupation: Healer
Like newly fallen snow, Sirhi of the Norya was almost completely white from top to bottom. Stark white hair flowed in a wild mass down her back and around her face, bound back by a gentle twist braid to keep the bangs from her face. Blank, unfocused eyes the color of pearls set themselves into deep, darkly rimmed heavy black eyelashes, as she looked out to the world, seeing nothing but the aether currents of the world around her while they held a soft glow to them as if there were a light behind them. Her body itself was also white, her skin bleached by her overabundance of aether as it clung to her very smol and petite frame. Even her lips were almost purely white, though they still held a hint of pink hue to them.Simple, yet elegant clothes attired the viera, almost always in some form of tribal styling. Simple, but ornate jewelry frequently adorns her neck, wrists and fingers though her ears remain unpierced.•§••§••§••§••§••§••§•TattoosAll along her body, Sirhi is covered in a myriad of very simplistic, tribal tattoos all inked in an almost glowing white ink. Most notably are the vine-like tribal patterns on her face underneath her left eye, along her nose, her chin and the dots over her left eyebrow - each one a mystical marking of her journey to become her tribe's Seer.Along her body, small mystical symbols ran down the inside of her arms from mid-bicep to mid-forearm. On her back, an intricate pattern of white vines and wings etched into her skin.
Sirhi of the Norya is a quiet, shy and introspective girl. Often times seeming nervous, she keeps to herself and listens to everything around her and watching the aether currents by which she can see. Although her traumas and the experimentations done to her leave her often unstable, prone to anxiety attacks and flashbacks, Sirhi is an incredibly sweet, kind, caring, compassionate, empathic person.As a Seer and Mystic of her tribe though, Sirhi possesses the uncanny ability to read people very well and often times see Truths they do not want revealed. This makes her often times an outcast even among outcasts.
•§• RP HOOKS •§•
These are the non-spoiler RP hooks. To see the RP Hooks that tie into all of her story, please read her Full Backstory.
•§• Wild in the Shroud - Recent events reverted the tribal viera, damaged and broken, and she disappeared into the Shroud, not even her doctor knowing where she went. It has been months since she has been seen. Perhaps someone comes across her in the Shroud?•§• Golmore Jungle - Despite her pale appearance, Sirhi is actually a Rava from the heart of the Golmore Jungle. She comes from the Norya tribe - the protectors of the Mother Tree and hold among their ranks some of the most powerful mystics and Seers known to the viera. Sirhi is one of these Seers, having been stolen from her home before she could finish her training and take her place among her people.•§• Aether Vision - Born blind as she was, Sirhi has never been truly without Sight. Since the day she came into the world, she was able to see the aether currents around her that flow through all life and this ability has only become stronger over the years of her life. And unlike many other Seers who have the ability to connect with aether in one way or another - usually only Sight, Sound or Touch - Sirhi was born with the rare ability to experience all of them.•§• Seer/Mystic - Sirhi not only can see aether but she has an uncanny ability to see a person's Truths. She also has an innate ability to connect her aether to another persons and See into their past - their Mist Memory. She even, as well at very special times, can gain glimpses into the future though due to the incomplete nature of her training this is rarely reliable and almost never clear.•§• Former Garlean Slave/Captive - Kidnapped from her home when she was only fifty, the Garleans soon threw her into a world of horror and terror when they learned of her overabundance of aether and her special abilities that came with being a powerful Seer as she was. Bound and chained for fifty years, the Garlean empire spent fifty years experimenting on her. By the end, there was almost nothing they had not done to try to extract her aether, and even parts of her soul, to empower their soldiers - including even cutting into her brain and stripping the centers that gave her control over her abilities. Because of this time, Sirhi has very extreme PTSD and is often mentally unstable, being unable to resist feeling and experiencing everything bombarding her all at once.

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•§• Background •§•
This is background contains Endwalker (6.0) spoilers! __Do not read if you do not want parts of Endwalker spoiled!__
Born to the Norya tribe of the Golmore Jungle, Sirhi was an only child. Even blind from birth, it didn't take long for her mother to see she was a special child. Unfortunately, she didn't know how to care for a special child such as Sirhi so her very young childhood was not a very affectionate one. When her abilities began to show as strongly as they did, Sirhi was sent to learn the ways of the mystics and Seers under her tribe's chief Seer.Sirhi flourished under his tutelage and excelled in her mastery of her abilities and learning the path of the Seer. She was days away from stepping up as the youngest in their tribe to take over the chief Seer's position when she was sent on her final pilgrimage. It was on this pilgrimage, one that must be taken with only one warrior to accompany, that Sirhi was set upon by Garleans who kidnapped her and killed her escort.The Garleans had heard of the Norya tribe and one particularly ambitious Legatus had devised a plan to kidnap and set expiraments upon one of the famed and renown Seers of the Norya and they got Sirhi, one of the most powerful and intuitive Seers known to the tribe.And experiment on her they did. Taken far from her home, to where she did not know, Sirhi was set upon by technologists and scientists, subjected to medical tests and experiaments and hooked up to infernal machines. The experiments were mild, at first, but as the years went on and more of her abilities were tapped into, they became more aggressive. Just simple tests and experiments became not enough. Soon they began developing technology to probe deeper into her. The tests and probes on her and her aether ended up being instrumental - not only in the creations of Aetherically Amplified Soldiers of non-pureblood decent, but also in the development of the soul extraction process destroyed in Ala Mhigo during its liberation.Untold horrors were wrought upon Sirhi's mind, body, aether and soul for over fifty years until one fateful night, in the colds of Garlemald just outside the capital city, destruction rained down on the research facility she was being held in. During the chaos, somehow her bonds strapping her to the table became freed and she escaped into the cold Garlean afternoon. She caught only a glimpse of what had been attacking the facility and to her Sight, it had been a being with the brightest, strongest aether she had ever seen. She never saw it again.Escaping into the frozen wastes, barefoot and dressed in nothing but rags, she escaped the facility. Not knowing where she was, or what direction, she simply ran and didn't stop. Chaos had taken Garlemald she realized as the sounds of war and battle raged in the distance. She would learn later it was the civil war ripping itself to shreds. Through overhearing, she managed to learn of Eorzea to the South and through a lot of effort and some luck, managed to set her feet in it's direction.By a miracle, she was never seen and only through her over-abundance of aether and her ability to manipulate it into stimulating her body's other energies to keep her warm, did she survive. For months upon months, she travelled through the snow packed mountains that separated Ilsabard and Eorzea. What little she knew of hunting from her tribe so many years prior she used to keep herself from starving to death, but just barely.Just when she thought she had lost all hope, the cold began to lessen and, stumbling out of a mountain pass down into a desert, the barely-alive Sirhi collapsed in a field of desert blossoms, safe in Ala Mhigo.
•§• Current History •§•Sirhi was saved by a passing patrol and nursed to health in the city until she was conscious once more. Surrounded by strangers, plagued with demons beyond imagining in her mind, Sirhi ran at the first chance she could. Eventually, avoiding as many people as possible, she managed to make her way to Ul'dah where she ran into a viera who had once been one of her guards when she was a captive. His name was Reyr Tahno, and like her, he had escaped.Surprised to see her, and wracked by guilt for what she had went through, Reyr took her to his sister's business and helped to secure a roof over her head, food in her belly and sorely needed medical attention. Even with the healing given in Ala Mhigo, Sirhi was an emaciated sack of skin and bones and that was the healthiest part of her. Her mind was...another matter. She desperately needed what he offered her.She hated the clinic and the way their doctor treated her, but she knew she had nowhere else to go and that this place, with this doctor, with someone she actually knew nearby was her best chance to heal...if she ever truly could.It was while staying at this manor, that Sirhi ended up meeting another viera named Lugerron Miritar. Though she strove to avoid nearly everyone else, the pale viera found a draw to the tanned one and conversation was struck. Conversation that went from late evening all through the night until dawn. Magicks and abilities she never knew she could tap into, she tapped into with him that night and with him, a whole new world and future opened up for her.After that, they were nearly inseparable and slowly, through the connection they had formed through joining their aether when they were with each other, Sirhi began to find a semblance of mental stability and began to heal physically, mentally and aetherically.Through this connection and the time they spent together, Sirhi and the viera fell in love. However, it was not to last, and he was lost to her sending her into a tailspin that ended up with her fleeing without a trace into the Black Shroud...

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18+ only • Walk-Ups / PMs OK • All RPs WelcomeThank you for getting this far!Hope you enjoyed the read!I am a 25+ gamer who has been playing FFXIV for over a year now. I love this game and everything about it and I am super excited about the amazing RP community! I am a para to multi-para RPer though I often mirror my RP partners with their writing. I am open to all kinds of RP, including dark, triggering, adult, violence, etc. I only ask that any RPs which result in permanent modification of my character's appearance go through me first OOCly.I prefer to stick as close to lore as possible, but I don't mind bending it from time-to-time. I will not, however, break lore completely. I am very knowledgeable in FFXIV lore and am happy to share that knowledge and work with it to develop the best story we can write!Also I am a huge stickler for keeping IC in-character and OOC out-of-character. I do not blend and I expect my RP partners to not blend either.Discord: FelVyper#2101